Back to School, Back to...the Flu?
With the return to school, routine, all those extra curricular activities, and pumpkin spice everything many of us are also getting our yearly autumn cold or flu. You may be wondering why this happens, how to treat it, or what you can do to prevent it.
The term "Cold and Flu Season"is common, and in some ways true. But really you can catch a cold or flu anytime. What's actually happening is your body is failing to adequately adapt to changes in your environment, leaving your immune system depleted and less able to fight off the colds and flu you are getting exposed to. Changes in routine, weather, diet and sleep can all leave us vulnerable to bugs we would usually be able to fight off. Of course having little kids in daycare or school just compounds it since their immune systems are still developing, and they are exposed to a lot of new bugs which they bring home. We adults get exposed to these bugs and if we aren't adapting to the changing season we get sick.
To prevent colds and flu:
Come see us! Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Medicine are all effective treatment options for strengthening the immune system.
Wash your hands!
Go to bed early- your body needs rest to keep your immune system functioning optimally.
Eat well- fresh fruit and veggies, protein and good fats, nuts and seeds are all good healthy fuel for your body.
Avoid sugar- sugar supresses the immune system for up to four hours after indulging.
If you do get sick, what can you do?
Come see us! Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Medicine are all effective treatment options to reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms as well as shorten the duration of illness.
Drink lots of water and herbal teas.
Honey is an effective cough suppressant and helps soothe a sore throat.
Saline nasal sprays like Hydrasense help to soothe sore sinuses and aide breathing.
Snore strips you can wear on your nose while sleeping can help you breathe.
Most importantly- rest!